Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Historiska epoker

...illustreras snyggt så här. Koncist och svepande (på ett bra sätt):

By the late 1980s, while reviled worldwide for the brutality of his regime, Pinochet was also lauded by many for turning his country's economy into a dynamic free-market model for the developing world. When post-communist Russian television began an interview with him in 1994 by apologising for Soviet media coverage of his regime, there could have been no clearer example of the turning of the world-historical tide - unless it was the flood of his former ministers and technocrats invited to ex-Soviet-bloc countries to explain the marvels of untrammelled capitalism in Chile.
(The Guardian)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Vilket illustrerar den gamla sanningen att pengar är viktigare än blod...